

Saturday 4th May

Charity 4 Man Team Flush Competition We raised £2354.50!! Thank you to everyone for supporting our charity this year which was Make a Wish Foundation.

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Saturday 20th April

A Suffolk team joined us today, to experience a simulated game day in Essex. Shooting 8 different drives, simulating different quarry.

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Friday 19th April

Vision Personnel Ltd – ‘Vision Construction Clay Cup’ The rain didn’t stop us! we all had a great day with Vision Personnel and their guests.

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Saturday 13th April

It was nice to see the sunshine for our Individual Gun Day! A really fun day had by all, smashing clays over 8 varied layouts,

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Saturday 6th April

On Saturday 6th April we arranged a day of simulated game shooting with a great group of people in Hatfield Heath, Essex (near Stansted Airport)

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